Thursday, July 28, 2016

Delivery to Sector111

The Nomad Tactical arrived today at Sector111 on a transporter at 8am.  Thank you, TMI!  The rest of my morning schedule was wiped clean so I could 'work' with the Nomad.  Yes, this is a tough job...

The Nomad is a compact little machine.  It does not have a big footprint - similar to the cars we like: Elise/Exige/Atom/Mono/Drakan/4C.  It is light and the K24 Honda motor is nice and torquey.  Getting into the car proved to be a challenge initially.  The window to climb in is big enough for most people but you need to be flexible.  It took me two attempts before I got myself securely in the Nomad.  Once you are in, it is comfortable and a good fit.   
in our shop
happiness is...
For the first time in 16yrs, I turned right onto the dirt road...

The dirt road to Murrieta that I had never taken before proved to be..

...a twisty delight made especially for the Ariel Nomad!

The Nomad allowed me to take a road that I had never driven before.  This dirt road branches off at the beginning of DeLuz and I've ignored it for 16yrs with my sportscars -  I refuse to drive sportscars on dirt roads.  DeLuz Rd is one of my favorites and was documented by my friend Robert in this video

The ability to blitz a dirt road is one reason the Nomad will be a driving enthusiasts genre busting machine.  It allowed me to go enjoy a twisty road that I would never have normally ventured onto.  I also tried out the hydraulic hand brake for the first time.  It's a hoot, though goosing the gas is all that is required to break the rear end loose in dirt.

This country has plenty of dirt roads with no traffic or cops...are you starting to see the beauty of this pugnacious little machine yet?  Our beloved paved canyon roads will become more and more policed and clogged with traffic - so cars like the Nomad will gain us access to roads less traveled for fun and adventure.  I could not be more excited about the possibilities...

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